L. Oberbroeckling, Spring 2018.
This document gives BASIC ways to color graphs in MATLAB. See
To plot on a specific axes, insert the axes-handle as the first argument of stem. The conversion from m/s to km/h is directly written in the call to stem. Finally, it's needed to set the xlim -property of the both axes to the same values. Figure; subplot (1,2,1) plot (firstdata) subplot (1,2,2) plot (seconddata) This will create two axes areas within the same figure window. From your description, this is my best guess as to what you want. Edit: From the comments below, here is what you are doing. Two graphs, G1 and G2, are isomorphic if there exists a permutation of the nodes P such that reordernodes(G2,P) has the same structure as G1. Two graphs that are isomorphic have similar structure. For example, if a graph contains one cycle, then all graphs isomorphic to that graph also contain one cycle. MATLAB: Plotting 2 lines in the same graph. MATLAB plotting. How can i get the 2 plots to come out on the same figure?%% Problem parameters% Projectile. M = 0.05;% Mass of projectile (kg) r = 0.03;% Radius of projectile (m) theta = 25;% Initial angle (degrees) y0 = 50;% Initial hieght (m). Plot 2 different time data on the same axis in. Learn more about plot. Plot 2 different time data on the same axis in same graph.
for more in-depth explanations and fancier coloring, to name just two sources.
Default Colors in 2D Graphs
The default colors used in MATLAB changed in R2014b version. Here are the colors, in order, and their MATLAB RGB triplet.
Current color | Old color |
[0, 0.4470, 0.7410] | [0, 0, 1] |
[0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980] | [0, 0.5, 0] |
[0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250] | [1, 0, 0] |
[0.4940, 0.1840, 0.5560] | [0, 0.75, 0.75] |
[0.4660, 0.6740, 0.1880] | [0.75, 0, 0.75] |
[0.3010, 0.7450, 0.9330] | [0.75, 0.75, 0] |
[0.6350, 0.0780, 0.1840] | [0.25, 0.25, 0.25] |
Another thing that changed starting in the R2014b version is that the hold on and hold off automatically cycles through the colors. In the past, each new plot command would start with the first color (blue) and you would have to manually change the color. Now it will automatically move to the next color(s). See below for how to manually adjust the colors.
Default Colors in 3D Graphs
If using mesh(x,y,z), to change the look of it you would want to change 'EdgeColor'. Note that the name of this colormap is 'parula' while previous to R2014b, it was 'jet'
Using Basic Colors in Graphs
The eight basic colors are known by either their short name or long name (RGB triplets are also included).
Long Name | Short Name | RGB Triplet |
blue | b | [0,0,1] |
black | k | [0,0,0] |
red | r | [1,0,0] |
green | g | [0,1,0] |
yellow | y | [1,1,0] |
cyan | c | [0,1,1] |
magenta | m | [1,0,1] |
white | w | [1,1,1] |
Example of how to change the color using short names is below. You can easily do the same thing using the long names.
Changing Colors
Many times you want to have more control of what colors are used. For example, I may want some data points drawn in the same color as the curve. Or I have a piece-wise graph that I want to have all the same color. There are several ways to do this. One is to use the default colors and 'resetting' the order, which is shown here. Others involve using the RGB triplet (see next section).
As you may see, this could get confusing to keep track of. Thus it may be easier to use the RGB triplets, and even name them ahead of time. This is discussed in the section below.
Using RGB triplets to change colors
One can specify colors using a vector that gives the RGB triple where in MATLAB, each of the three values are numbers from 0 to 1. Usually RGB colors have values from 0 to 255. You can use those numbers and divide the vector by 255 to use within MATLAB. Thus knowing the MATLAB RGB triples for the colors can be useful. From the table above, we can define the default colors to work with them or can put in the RGB triplet (as a vector) directly into the plot command. Both are shown in this example.
For other colors, you can look up their RGB code on many websites such as RGB Color Codes Chart or HTML Color Picker to see the RGB codes (or hex codes, etc.) For example, at these RGB Color websites, you will be given R=255, G=0, B=0 for red. So you can use 1/255[255,0,0] to get the color of red to use as a color in MATLAB.
The official color for Loyola Green is given as RGB:0-104-87, and Loyola Gray is given as RGB:200-200-200 (found on Loyola's Logos/University Signature page. Here's how one can use those colors in MATLAB.
Now one can use these colors to specify the color of markers, lines, edges, faces, etc.
Changing colors in 3D Graphs
If using mesh(x,y,z), to change the look of it you can change to a different colormap as discussed in https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/colormap.html. This was done above when showing the previous default colormap. Here are some more.
Warning! Once you change the colormap, it will keep that colormap for all subsequent 3D plots within the same figure or MATLAB session until you use close, or open a new figure window.
For mesh and surf, you can change 'EdgeColor' and/or 'FaceColor' to be uniform, rather than using colormaps.
Published with MATLAB® R2016a
Did you ever wonder seeing amazing 3D graphs in MATLAB? How to draw multiple 3D plot graphs in MATLAB?
Casino no deposit bonus canada. This is an in-depth tutorial for you. I will explain the different MATLAB 3D plot examples and how to draw them.
This tutorial is an extension of a previous tutorial two-dimensional [2D] MATLAB plot.
When I share the 2D plot graph tutorial, some of the readers asked me about the 3D plot. And I decided to write about it.
This tutorial provides you the plot's functions, syntax, and code, for example for the five main different types of 3D plots. At the end of this post, you will be able to draw your own 3D plot graph in MATLAB.
It's amazing. Right?
Let's start.
3D MATLAB Plot Introduction
In general, the three-dimensional plots consist of the three vectors (x,y,z) in the same graph.
In MATLAB, the plot3() function is used to draw the 3D plot graph. You can also use a specified line style, marker, and color for drawing 3D plots.
The general syntax to display the 3D plot is,
Let's start drawing different types of the 3D plot graph…
Classifications of Three-Dimensional Plots | MATLAB 3D plot Examples
Here, we are considering, the five main different types of three-dimensional (3D) plots. These graphs are mostly used in the industry.
The following list of different 3D plots as,
- Mesh Plot
- Surface Plot
- Ribbon PLot
- Contour Plot
- Slice Plot
As a part of this tutorial about MATLAB 3D plot examples, I am describing the topmost five 3D plots one-by-one.
1. Mesh 3D Plot in MATLAB
The mesh plotting function is used to display the mesh plot. It produces a wireframe surface where the lines connecting the defining points are colored.
How to create the Mesh plot in MATLAB?
For the mesh plotting in MATLAB, you need to pass the array values to the mesh function.
Mesh function transforms the domain specified by vectors (X, Y, Z) into arrays (x,y,z).
The syntax for the Mesh Plot is,
As an example, we are plotting the mesh 3D plot for square root mathematical function.
Output in MATLAB:
See here, you get a colorful and smooth connecting surface line of three-dimensional [3D] Mesh plot.
You can also plot the graph for various Mathematical Expressions in MATLAB.
2. Surface 3D Plot in MATLAB
The eight basic colors are known by either their short name or long name (RGB triplets are also included).
Long Name | Short Name | RGB Triplet |
blue | b | [0,0,1] |
black | k | [0,0,0] |
red | r | [1,0,0] |
green | g | [0,1,0] |
yellow | y | [1,1,0] |
cyan | c | [0,1,1] |
magenta | m | [1,0,1] |
white | w | [1,1,1] |
Example of how to change the color using short names is below. You can easily do the same thing using the long names.
Changing Colors
Many times you want to have more control of what colors are used. For example, I may want some data points drawn in the same color as the curve. Or I have a piece-wise graph that I want to have all the same color. There are several ways to do this. One is to use the default colors and 'resetting' the order, which is shown here. Others involve using the RGB triplet (see next section).
As you may see, this could get confusing to keep track of. Thus it may be easier to use the RGB triplets, and even name them ahead of time. This is discussed in the section below.
Using RGB triplets to change colors
One can specify colors using a vector that gives the RGB triple where in MATLAB, each of the three values are numbers from 0 to 1. Usually RGB colors have values from 0 to 255. You can use those numbers and divide the vector by 255 to use within MATLAB. Thus knowing the MATLAB RGB triples for the colors can be useful. From the table above, we can define the default colors to work with them or can put in the RGB triplet (as a vector) directly into the plot command. Both are shown in this example.
For other colors, you can look up their RGB code on many websites such as RGB Color Codes Chart or HTML Color Picker to see the RGB codes (or hex codes, etc.) For example, at these RGB Color websites, you will be given R=255, G=0, B=0 for red. So you can use 1/255[255,0,0] to get the color of red to use as a color in MATLAB.
The official color for Loyola Green is given as RGB:0-104-87, and Loyola Gray is given as RGB:200-200-200 (found on Loyola's Logos/University Signature page. Here's how one can use those colors in MATLAB.
Now one can use these colors to specify the color of markers, lines, edges, faces, etc.
Changing colors in 3D Graphs
If using mesh(x,y,z), to change the look of it you can change to a different colormap as discussed in https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/colormap.html. This was done above when showing the previous default colormap. Here are some more.
Warning! Once you change the colormap, it will keep that colormap for all subsequent 3D plots within the same figure or MATLAB session until you use close, or open a new figure window.
For mesh and surf, you can change 'EdgeColor' and/or 'FaceColor' to be uniform, rather than using colormaps.
Published with MATLAB® R2016a
Did you ever wonder seeing amazing 3D graphs in MATLAB? How to draw multiple 3D plot graphs in MATLAB?
Casino no deposit bonus canada. This is an in-depth tutorial for you. I will explain the different MATLAB 3D plot examples and how to draw them.
This tutorial is an extension of a previous tutorial two-dimensional [2D] MATLAB plot.
When I share the 2D plot graph tutorial, some of the readers asked me about the 3D plot. And I decided to write about it.
This tutorial provides you the plot's functions, syntax, and code, for example for the five main different types of 3D plots. At the end of this post, you will be able to draw your own 3D plot graph in MATLAB.
It's amazing. Right?
Let's start.
3D MATLAB Plot Introduction
In general, the three-dimensional plots consist of the three vectors (x,y,z) in the same graph.
In MATLAB, the plot3() function is used to draw the 3D plot graph. You can also use a specified line style, marker, and color for drawing 3D plots.
The general syntax to display the 3D plot is,
Let's start drawing different types of the 3D plot graph…
Classifications of Three-Dimensional Plots | MATLAB 3D plot Examples
Here, we are considering, the five main different types of three-dimensional (3D) plots. These graphs are mostly used in the industry.
The following list of different 3D plots as,
- Mesh Plot
- Surface Plot
- Ribbon PLot
- Contour Plot
- Slice Plot
As a part of this tutorial about MATLAB 3D plot examples, I am describing the topmost five 3D plots one-by-one.
1. Mesh 3D Plot in MATLAB
The mesh plotting function is used to display the mesh plot. It produces a wireframe surface where the lines connecting the defining points are colored.
How to create the Mesh plot in MATLAB?
For the mesh plotting in MATLAB, you need to pass the array values to the mesh function.
Mesh function transforms the domain specified by vectors (X, Y, Z) into arrays (x,y,z).
The syntax for the Mesh Plot is,
As an example, we are plotting the mesh 3D plot for square root mathematical function.
Output in MATLAB:
See here, you get a colorful and smooth connecting surface line of three-dimensional [3D] Mesh plot.
You can also plot the graph for various Mathematical Expressions in MATLAB.
2. Surface 3D Plot in MATLAB
A surface plot is somewhat similar to a mesh plot. The main difference between them is, in the surface plot, the connecting lines and the faces both will be displayed in the dark color.
How to create the Surf plot in MATLAB?
In the surface plot, ‘surf' function is used. So, you can write a simple format like ‘function name(array)'.
Let's write a MATLAB code for the three-dimensional surface plot for an exponential function exp().
Output in MATLAB:
After the getting output of surface plot, you will see the connecting lines and the faces are both displayed in the same shade.
3. Ribbon 3D Plot in MATLAB
As the name ribbon, this 3D plot graph will be having different color ribbons.
How to create the ribbon plot in MATLAB?
Here, we are using ribbon() function for plotting ribbon 3D MATLAB plot.
The general syntax for writing code,
To create a ribbon plot using peak function for mathematical function ((x²)-(y²))
Output in MATLAB:
You can see each and every colorful shade ribbons.
4. Contour 3D Plot in MATLAB
How to create the three dimensional [3D] contour plot?
To create the three dimensional [3D] contour plot, we are using the ‘contour3' function.
Note: You can plot the Contour 2D plot by using the only ‘contour' function.
The syntax for the three-dimensional contour plot,
We are plotting the contour plot for the exponential mathematical equation is (exp( x²-y²)).
2 Plots Same Graph Matlab Histogram
Output in MATLAB:
Below is a diagram for three dimensional [3D] contour plot.
5. Slice 3D Plot in MATLAB
Plot 2 Separate Graphs Matlab
For plotting slice graph, you must know volumetric data(v), specification of three-dimensional coordinate (x,y,z), and ‘xslice, yslice, zslice'.
Syntax: Tq logistics.
Slice plot's syntax is
- xslice- ‘x' coordinate data for slice plot
- yslice- ‘y' coordinate data for slice plot
- zslice- ‘z' coordinate data for slice plot
Slice plot is little different from other 3D plots types. When you are writing MATLAB code for Slice plot, you need to specify each coordinator value.
Let's draw the slite plot graph for an exponential mathematical equation.
Output in MATLAB:
The output looks like the below picture.
These are the topmost three dimensional [3D] used in the industry projects.
This is all about different MATLAB 3D plot examples. I have explained the different classification of MATLAB 3D plots with simple code and syntax.
If you have doubt, write in the comment. I will reply to you as soon as possible.
Other MATLAB Tutorials:
Thanks for Reading!
I have completed master in Electrical Power System. I work and write technical tutorials on the PLC, MATLAB programming, and Electrical on DipsLab.com portal.
2 Plots Same Graph Matlab Equation
Sharing my knowledge on this blog makes me happy. And sometimes I delve in Python programming.
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